Thursday 27 June 2024

This week at Vera Lane Studio

Hello everyone, 

Today's Vera Lane Studio post is slightly different than normal. The DT are sharing their 5 favourite sets of all time. Not that is a difficult task because I have so many favourites.. I would be able to find at least 5 Miss Dee sets that are my firm favourites but I managed to find some more that I really like. I chose my 5 favourites because they are so varied. Vera Lane Studio really has something for everyone.

So here are my top 5 in no particular order:

Alice comes from a set called Alice. How cute is she?
You'll find her HERE

This one is fairly recent and is called Live, love, bark. I love the looks on their faces! 

You'll find these darlings HERE

This one I have used at least twice... he is part of a set called Moose Hunt. Again the expression on his face is fantastic. 
The amoosing Moose is HERE

Of course I had to have a Miss Dee. This one is Party Dee. 
You'll find here HERE

and last but not least, this is Vincent. As a Dutch person I really love this; I also love his paintings. 

Vincent is HERE

I hope you liked my top 5!

Thank you for stopping by today. 


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